Uni-Merch HANDLING Agents
Are you good at networking and making contacts?
We employ 'handling agents' (it's a fancy way of saying onsite resellers) throughout our universities in Australia who act as sales personnel with attractive sales commissions.
Becoming a handling agent is free.
How does it all work?
Basically you direct clubs, society, sports teams etc to a webpage to get a quote from us. The webpage is hidden and is directed via a QR code from a business card which you use to invite people to obtain quotes etc. The webpage has a hidden code in it so we know that its one of your customers which helps us direct the commission to you when the sale comes through (quarterly). We create the digital mockups and quote the customer directly (generally copying you in).
New Handling Agents are provided with the following to get them going:

A dedicated personal Uni-Merch web page for customers to apply for quotations and digital mockups linked to your handler reference.
Your own Printed Apparel (Tees, Polos, Hoodies) so you look the part!
Your own business cards with a unique QR Code which leads to your unique Uni-Merch web page!
Training with the team here at Uni-Merch to help open & close sales!
Access to some of our design tools and templates to help customers with their designs!
Sales support from the team!
There are no targets to hit. You can apply yourself as much as you want, and while you are studying you can add to your income by building your network and driving quotes and closing deals.
It's pretty simple to get up and running and you can make money through introducing clubs, societies and the like to our sales portals and gaining sales.
If you are interested in signing up, or just want to know more, fill out the form below and we can get in touch with you to lay out the program and talk you through the process.